Cabin Filter Replacement
What’s important about a vehicle’s cabin air filter?
The cabin air filter in your vehicle is meant to keep debris, allergens, and other contaminants out of the cabin of your vehicle, where you and your passengers sit and drive. It’s typically found underneath and behind the glovebox compartment, or at the base of your vehicle’s windshield.
The cabin air filter clears out pollen, dust, and more as air travels through the ventilation, heating, and air conditioning system. When this filter becomes worn and clogged, these contaminants can find their way into various air systems and your vehicle’s cabin.
If you don’t regularly replace your cabin air filter, then the smells will sink into your vehicle interior and can damage other parts of your air conditioner and ventilation system. You will also be breathing in pollution and allergens that the filter would normally catch, as long as the filter is damaged or clogged.