The brake vacuum pump is a crucial part of your vehicle’s complex braking system. In general, this mechanism helps create a controlled and reliable function of the brakes by supplementing your primary braking system. The vacuum booster pump performance regulates the flow of air within your brakes. This allows you to stop more quickly and effectively, and prevent excessive pressure buildup.
When a brake vacuum pump stops working properly, it is likely that your braking performance will deteriorate considerably. A broken or faulty brake vacuum pump can cause serious problems with your brakes. This means that you may not be able to stop as quickly as you want to. Having such an unreliable braking system can be very dangerous for you, your passengers, and anyone else on the road. So, if you have noticed even a slight decrease in braking performance, it’s definitely worth getting checked out by a professional. Read on to learn what you need to know about getting your brake vacuum pump replaced through TLC’s replacement service.